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393 R
/ one-off

Sizes and colors with automatic warehouse management

Management of sizes and colors on items and orders with item warehouse management. By creating orders, the quantity of sizes and colors of the items will be automatically scaled.

The component adds the table to the articles to be able to compile the stock based on size and color, both managed as lists to allow faster compilation.

While selecting the item within the order, you will also be asked to select the color and size to include.

The extension for unloading operation adds a warehouse management table where the data of the various movements are saved.

Operation on non-cloud database

Once the articles have been entered and the size and color selected in the order, the stock of the latter will be updated only if the order has a "closed" status.

If a previously executed order loses its "closed" status or is eliminated, the quantities of the sizes and colors of the recalled items will be restored.

Operation on cloud database

If you create an order from a mobile device and set its status to "closed", the app will not change the quantity of the items. The desktop versions will make the changes when receiving data from the server.

This way apps can continue working offline. The same procedure applies to the restoration of quantities in the event of a change in the status of the order or its cancellation.


The item recalled in the order is linked to the id of its size / color. This means that if I change for example the color inside the article. The order will still scale the quantity from that data row even if the colors are no longer the same

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