Data interchange services between management systems


D-One provides programs that can be installed on Windows and Linux PCs in order to use its Cloud even with the third-party systems. Do you have a management program that you don't want to change it but you need the mobile version? The D-One platform is the first system that allows to be integrated within other management systems, allowing them to have their own iOS and Android application. This possibility is provided by the software producers. So, even the users of another management system, if this allow it, can implement it in their system.



Daemon programs allows the interfacing with the D-One's own Cloud database without actually having a client installed. Once inserted your own account data, the service will download and maintain a synchronized copy of the Cloud database in your local area.

By creating LUA scripts (even in this case very easy to done by the users) it will be possible, if provided by your own management program, to create a data exchange from and to the Nios4 clients and their own systems.

So, you can have your own mobile management program, usable on your smartphone and tablet, without having to change the old one, that substantially reducing your costs.

We remind you that your management program must be able to receive and transmit data anyway. Ask your retailer if your management program can have these features. If the answer is positive then it will be possible to initiate the installation and configuration of a D-One's software Daemon.
